It's time to get grounded and move forward on your journey to the point of fulfillment.
Yes on our You are Loved Podcast we have begun our 10- day meditation challenge.
It has been so fun and it has been a learning experience it has also been a great awareness within myself.
Day 1 Taking a Break for Self-Compassion
Day 2 Affectionate Breathing
Day 3 Awareness of People like you
Day 4 Awareness of What You like about yourself
Day 5 Breathing out compassion for others
I will discuss the rest as we complete the challenge. I have time to not only do my regular meditation I can now add another meditation exercise. I
would suggest that you want to do these more than once a day. I am thinking about doing it during mid-day and even in the evenings.
In order for me to push this journey, I have to make sure that I am part of the process.
I would like for you to join us as we write down our feelings and emotions as we experience these exercises. You can listen to You are Loved on
you will find these under Staying Grounded .